
The best Discord app for Guild Wars 2

Aleeva - The Discord App for Guild Wars 2

Aleeva is a feature-rich Discord app explicitly designed for Guild Wars 2 (GW2) players. It offers a wide range of functionalities, from basic wallet queries to advanced features like in-game guild management and event coordination.


GW2 Accounts

DPS Reports


Guild Wars 2 Information

Based on your API key, Aleeva can provide you with a lot of information about your GW2 account and everything connected to it.

Event Management

Aleeva provides an easy and fast way to manage your events directly inside Discord. From special role assignments to dedicated channels during the event, Aleeva will support you.

WvW Alliance Verification

With WvW Alliance Verification, you have the capability to accurately verify your members not only based on the guilds they belong to but also in relation to their specific WvW team associations. Furthermore, you can define a role that is assigned to the individual members of the alliance, along with a distinct role for each different guild tif needed. This system helps maintain organization and clarity within your community.

Our Partnerships


  • For some commands, Aleeva will write you a direct message. For this it is mandatory that you allow direct messages from server members. You can change this setting in your personal Discord settings under Privacy & Safety.

  • To allow others access to the Aleva settings, you have to assign the Aleeva Administrator permission to a role on your server. This can be done in the Aleeva Settings (/settings -> Permissions)

  • Ensure that Aleeva has all the necessary permission for all the channels involved. This also includes channels or the dps report channel, move channel on completion. If you still face issue contact us on our support server.

  • Ensure that you have the newest Discord client version. In addition to that check that you don’t have “Use the legacy chat input” active as this disables Slash Commands.

  • Make sure that Aleeva, as well as the @everyone permission, has the Use External Emotes permission.

  • Aleeva requires this set of permissions (account, builds, characters, inventories, wallet, progression, unlocks and wvw) because it allows all Aleeva commands to be usable.

    If you only want to get verified on a server and do not intend to use Aleeva, you can opt for a light key, which only requires the permission account and wvw.

    The full key ensures that all of Aleeva's features are available, so the bot works without issue. The reasons why specific permissions are needed:

    Account - Used for account verification with Aleeva

    Builds - Allows YOU to use Aleeva functions related to builds (such as traits in PvE, PvP and WvW, as well as equipment load-outs and masteries)

    Characters - Allows YOU to use Aleeva commands related to specific characters (such as listing your character birthdays)

    Inventories - Allows YOU to use Aleeva to search for particular items in your character inventories (e.g /li or /ufe command)

    Wallet - Allows YOU to search for items in your in-game wallet (such as a particular map currency or festival currency; this does not relate to real-world financial information about your account)

    Progression - Allows YOU to use Aleeva features to query related to progress (such as what raid bosses have I killed/what achievements am I missing)

    Unlocks - Allows YOU to query Aleeva about things you have unlocked in the game (such as mount skins, dyes, minis, etc.)

    WvW - Allows YOU to query Aleeva about wvw team related information as well as team role assignments.

    Guilds - ONLY needed by guild leaders to check the rank of members in the guild (to map roles in-game to roles in Discord)

    If we allowed the users to pick and choose the API permission by themselves, they would need to change the API token permissions multiple times to be able to use all of Aleeva's commands and features. We want something else for our user's experience with Aleeva. Also, this would result in problems like why one feature works and not another and so on. In addition, the API keys are saved globally for the user to allow it to work across all Discord servers that the user can access (that use Aleeva), no matter what features of Aleeva the server uses. The pvp and trading-post permissions are the only optional permissions because we only have one pvp command so far.
