General Topics

How to use Aleeva?

Aleeva will listen for slash commands. You can display the help section by sending /help command to Aleeva in a DM or in a channel. All the possible commands are listed here. For more details on how to setup Aleeva just read the section below.

How to setup Aleeva?

This is really simple. First you have to invite Aleeva to your server, which is done by clicking on the button at the top of this page (❤ Invite Aleeva). Next, Aleeva will send a private message to the owner of the server and ask some basic setup questions. After that, everyone on the server can use Aleeva. To activate more features of Aleeva you can use the command /settings. This command can only be used by the owner or by an Aleeva administrator.

How much does Aleeva cost?

Aleeva is completely free for all users and this will not change. Nevertheless we are happy about every donation we recieve for Aleeva, so we can keep her online and ensure the future development.

Does Aleeva read all my chats?

To ensure that Aleeva can react to your command she has to read your chats. But she will do this only in channels where she has permission to do so (this is handled by Discord). So if you don’t want to share your next super secret plan to dominate the world with Aleeva, you can just remove the read messages permission for this particular channel. For more information visit the Discord Permissions.

Why does Aleeva need so many Discord Permissions?

Aleeva is very powerful and has a lot of features. To work as expected she needs exactly the permissions requested on the invitation. For more information about why she needs these permissions, visit the Discord Permissions.

What is Early Access and can I have it?

Early Access means that you and/or your server will have access to features and commands which are not quite ready yet. This is not some kind of premium, it's more for beta testing new features and commands. If you want Early Access for yourself and/or your server you need to match some requirements such as actively using Aleeva and give feedback about new features. Please keep in mind that you will have access to beta features and commands, so it may be possible that you are not able to use a released command as normal because you maybe have a "improved"/changed version of it. Nevertheless if you are interested to be a part of our Early Access Program you can apply for it be contacting itsmefox#0001 on our support server.

Why do I not get any messages from Aleeva?

For some commands, Aleeva will write you a direct message. For this it is mandatory that you allow direct messages from server members. You can change this setting in your personal settings under Privacy & Safety.

Why do I see empty messages from Aleeva?

Aleeva uses Embeds to display most of the responses. Please make sure that you have Link Preview enabled in your Discord Settings (Settings > Chat > Embeds and Link Previews).

Api Key Topics

If I give my Guild Wars 2 API key to Aleeva, what can she do with it?

Aleeva uses your API key to read information from your Guild Wars 2 account. Guild Wars 2 only allows the reading of information, so modifications to your account are not possible.

Why does Aleeva need all these permissions?

Aleeva requires this set of permissions (account, builds, characters, inventories, wallet, progression, unlocks and wvw) because it allows all Aleeva commands to be usable.

If you only want to get verified on a server and do not intend to use Aleeva, you can opt for a light key, which only requires the permission account and wvw.

The full key ensures that all of Aleeva's features are available, so the bot works without issue.

The reasons why specific permissions are needed:

  • Account - Used for account verification with Aleeva

  • Builds - Allows YOU to use Aleeva functions related to builds (such as traits in PvE, PvP and WvW, as well as equipment load-outs and masteries)

  • Characters - Allows YOU to use Aleeva commands related to specific characters (such as listing your character birthdays)

  • Inventories - Allows YOU to use Aleeva to search for particular items in your character inventories (e.g /li or /ufe command)

  • Wallet - Allows YOU to search for items in your in-game wallet (such as a particular map currency or festival currency; this does not relate to real-world financial information about your account)

  • Progression - Allows YOU to use Aleeva features to query related to progress (such as what raid bosses have I killed/what achievements am I missing)

  • Unlocks - Allows YOU to query Aleeva about things you have unlocked in the game (such as mount skins, dyes, minis, etc.)

  • WvW - Allows YOU to query Aleeva about wvw team related information as well as team role assignments.

  • Guilds - ONLY needed by guild leaders to check the rank of members in the guild (to map roles in-game to roles in Discord)

If we allowed the users to pick and choose the API permission by themselves, they would need to change the API token permissions multiple times to be able to use all of Aleeva's commands and features. We want something else for our user's experience with Aleeva. Also, this would result in problems like why one feature works and not another and so on. In addition, the API keys are saved globally for the user to allow it to work across all Discord servers that the user can access (that use Aleeva), no matter what features of Aleeva the server uses. The pvp and trading-post permissions are the only optional permissions because we only have one pvp command so far.

I am concerned about privacy, what GW2 API information does Aleeva store about me?

Aleeva takes your privacy seriously and is a Discord Verified Bot (required for any bots that are on more than 100 servers). Verification means that Aleeva complies with Discord's aims of "Protecting user privacy and security, as well as maintaining trust".

Certain information is always needed by Aleeva (to allow for name and role mapping management features within Discord), this is as follows:

  • GW2 Account ID - Unique account GUID
  • Account name - e.g Account.1234
  • Age - The age of your GW2 account in seconds
  • World - The ID of your home world e.g "Yak's Bend"
  • Guild IDs - The unique IDs of the guilds you are a member of
  • Guild Leader - A list of Guilds that you are the Leader of (if applicable)
  • Created - A timestamp of when your account was created
  • Access - A list of content you have access to (e.g PlayForFree, GuildWars2, HeartOfThorns, PathOfFire)
  • Commander - If you have a commander tag or not
  • Fractal level - You account's fractal level
  • Daily AP - The daily AP your account has
  • Monthly AP - The monthly AP your account has
  • WvW rank - Your account's WvW rank
  • Last Modified - The last time your account API data was modified

The above information is stored by Aleeva for 10 mins after which the data is refreshed and stored for another 10 mins until such time as you remove your API key. When an API key is removed the data will be removed within 10 mins. For more information about this API data see: API Account Data

Apart from the core required data above, the features you use within Aleeva query the relevant data for the command you are using (such as the /character command) from the GW2 API and Aleeva stores that data for 5 mins, after which time it is removed until such time as you submit another request.

Setup Topics

Why I am not allowed to use the /settings command?

The initial setup can only be done by the server owner itself. After that the server owner can assign admin permissions to every role he/she wants. The owner of your server will automatically get messaged by Aleeva when she joines your server. If you need any help with this please contact us on our Support Server.

I can't use the Event Management because Aleeva keeps saying that I need to setup event permissions

To use the Aleeva Event Management you have to setup some Aleeva permissions. In particular the Event Administrator and Event Leader permission. You can do this by using the command /settings and than open the Permissions section. Please keep in mind that you have to link both roles. Both can be linked to the same role if you want.

Features Topics

Why does Aleeva set the wrong date & time during event creation?

If you create an event you have to consider two things related to date & time:

  • If you set the date & time always use the format you selected for yourself (use /profile command to change this). The default format ist: yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm
  • If Aleeva shows you a preview of the event, she will calculate the new time based on the timezone settings of the server in which the event will be created. This timezone can be different to your selected timezone (use /profile command to change your timezone).

Why do my server members loose their roles after 15 minutes?

Did you enabled GuildWars 2 Role Mapping? Yes? If you enable the GuildWars 2 Role Mapping, Aleeva will take care of all the mapped roles. All managed roles (all you added to the mapping) will be removed or added if the player has the needed rank in your guild. If a member has a role and Aleeva can't find the member in your guild (also if no API key is stored for this user) she will remove the role. Please make sure that your members have stored their API key or give them a role which is not managed by the GuildWars 2 Role Mapping.

Why does Aleeva not assign my selected roles to a member?

This can have different causes. First check with the command /permission-check that Aleeva has all needed global permissions. If this is the case make sure that all roles which should be managed by Aleeva are below the Aleeva-Role (which was automatically created in Discord for you). Only then is Aleeva able to assign these roles to your members.

Why does Aleeva not find my logs after the event?

If Aleeva does not find your reports when completing an event, this can have two different reasons:

  • The leader of the event is not part of the report (leader needs to have stored an API token for this, otherwise Aleeva can't find the corresponding logs)
  • The report (boss kill time) is not within the event time (between start and end of the event).

Other Topics

I'm a Patreon but I don't get my awesome Discord role

If you support Aleeva with a donation on Patreon you will get one of our awesome Discord roles. If have trouble getting it on our support server, please do these trouble shooting steps. It this doesn't work feel free to contact us on our support server.