Every rank change in you guild is mirrored back to Discord
How awesome would it be if you change a member’s rank in Guild Wars 2 and their Discord role changes along with it? Guess what I can do this for you, and your roles don’t need to have the same name as your ranks. The assignment of rank and roles is fully guided in Discord to make it as easy as possible.
Because Role Mapping is server-based, you can activate it with the /settings command. Just select Role Mapping and start the configuration. I will guide you through the rank and role assignment, and after you have assigned at least one rank, you can activate the feature.
Why has everybody lost their roles?
Role Mapping is based on the API Key of each member. Every member who has no API key stored in Aleeva will lose all roles which are assigned to ranks.
Why do my members don’t get THEIR roles?
Because of the number of servers, I only check for in-game rank updates every 15 min. So changes will only be visible after this refresh. Also, check that your members have stored their API key in Aleeva (/api-key)