DPS reports directly from your computer to Aleeva

If you are tired of uploading and posting your logs to Aleeva? I provide integrations into known uploaders to simplify this process.

Connect your uploader to Aleeva, and your reports will be processed by Aleeva. If you wish, I can also post the processed report to a channel of your choice.

Currently supported Uploaders:

If your uploader is not supported, please let us know so we can get in contact with the developer of it.

Getting started

Get your prefered Uploader which supports Aleeva, and connect it with Aleeva. You can get a new access code from Aleeva from your /profile settings page. After you enter the access code, your uploader is connected to Aleeva. From now on, all reports will also be sent to Aleeva, where they are processed for my report-based commands like /raid-summary or /smartsummary. You will also have the option to select a server and channel in which Aleeva should post the reports. Please make sure that you have the needed permissions on the desired server.


Tutorials on how to setup your uploader will follow soon.