Get an overview of everything Aleeva can do for you

Guild Wars 2 Information

Based on your API key, Aleeva can provide you with a lot of information about your GW2 account and everything connected to it

Event Management

Aleeva provides an easy and fast way to manage your events directly inside Discord. Members of your Discord can signup for an event by reacting to the event message.

Multi-Language Support

Helping you to understand the information is a key point. Because of this, Aleeva speaks all in-game Guild Wars 2 languages as well as some others too.



To streamline communication within a channel, Aleeva offers the option to create distinct threads for each message. This helps maintain a clean and organized environment for discussions.

Reaction Roles

With Reaction Roles, your members can choose their role by just clicking some reactions.

Guild Rank Mapping

Guild Rank Mapping allows you to map Guild Wars 2 guild roles to Discord roles.

Custom Role Mapping

With custom roles mappings, you have the possibility to assign roles based on account data.

Available on request
Coming Soon to the public

Name Mapping

The Name Mapping will automatically change or extend the nicknames of your members.

Available on request
Coming Soon to the public


WvW Alliance Verification

With WvW Alliance Verification, Aleeva will assign roles based on teams and guilds. Aleeva can assign a role based on the team of a member and/or their guild membership.

Server Members Export

Aleeva enables premium server users to create comprehensive exports of their members. These exports can include a wide variety of additional data points.

Member Verification

Define who is allowed to join your Discord server. Maybe only your Guild Wars 2 Guild members or all players from a specific WvW-Server?

Guest Management

With Guest Management, you can allow guests on your Discord server to stay for a defined time period and automatically assign your fancy guest role.

DPS Report Uploader

This feature allows all members to upload DPS report files (.evtc, .evtc.zip & .zevtc) where ever I have access, and I will process them via dps.report.

DPS Report Link Enhancer

Aleeva listens for dps.report or wvw.report links and will automatically process as nice elements.

Automatic Uploader

Aleeva provides integrations into PlenBotLogUploader for automatically uploading DPS reports to Aleeva, including posting them to a channel of your choice.


Define notifications that Aleeva should send to defined channels.


Aleeva will inform you about important events happening on your server.

Guild Log Notifications

Aleeva will notify you about guild log changes (also known as Guild History). You can customise which event types you’d like to monitor.


Static Messages

Static messages on your server can be managed by all your admins and Aleeva will post/update them.

Scam Protection

Protection against users and bots posting scam links in your Discord. Aleeva automatically removes these messages and can take action against such users.

KillProof.me Integration

Aleeva provides, in cooperation with KillProof.me direct access to their KillProof checking as well as searching for an opener for your next boss try.

Project release notifications

Aleeva can inform you about the new releases of Guild Wars 2 related projects like Blish HUD or arcdps and arcdps plugins.