Its is necessary that Aleeva has the following Discord Permissions. Why she needs them and which feature depends on it can be seen below. If you have further questions, join my support server and ask there :)

Manage Roles

This permission allows Aleeva to manage (change position and permissions & assign) all roles below her own role.

Affected features:

  • Member-Verification

  • Guest-Management

  • Role-Mapping

Manage Channels

This permission allows Aleeva to create/delete/manage channels on your server.

Affected features

  • Event-Management

Kick Members

This permission allows Aleeva to kick members which don’t have a role higher than her role.

Affected features

  • Guest-Management

  • Scam Protection

Ban Members

This permission allows Aleeva to ban members which don’t have a role higher than her role.

Affected features

  • Scam Protection

This permission allows Aleeva to send messages to your server. This permission can be declined on channels to prevent Aleeva from sending messages to it.

Affected features

  • All

Send Messages

Read Messages

This permission allows Aleeva to read messages in your server channels. This permission is can be declined on channels to prevent Aleeva from reacting on commands

Affected features

  • All

Manage Messages

This permission allows Aleeva to manage messages on your server. This is needed to remove commands, edit messages.

Affected features

  • All

  • Auto-Command Removal

  • DPS-Report Uploader

Embed Links

This permission is needed so Aleeva can add links into messages. As well as generate this awesome boxes for responses.

Affected features

  • All

Attach Files

This permission allows Aleeva to send files in server channels.

Affected features

  • All

Use External Emojis

This permission allows Aleeva to use her own emojis which are needed for answers and interactions.

Affected features

  • All

Read History

This permission allows Aleeva to read messages which members and Aleeva itself have written in the past.

Affected features

  • Event-Management

Add Reactions

This permission allows Aleeva to add reaction to messages. This is needed for user interaction with Aleeva.

Affected features

  • All