!!character <attribute>
none ➜ List of all your characters
info ➜ Shows detailed information about a specific character
birthday ➜ Shows the birthdays of your characters
!!character <attribute>
age ➜ Shows the age of your characters
birthday ➜ Shows the upcoming birthdays of your characters
!!daily <attribute>
crafting ➜ Shows the dailies for today
dungeons ➜ Shows the dailies for today
elisa ➜ Shows the dailies for today
fractals ➜ Shows the dailies for today
mapchest ➜ Shows the dailies for today
psna ➜ Shows the dailies for today
pve ➜ Shows the dailies for today
pvp ➜ Shows the dailies for today
strike ➜ Shows the dailies for today
worldbosses ➜ Shows the dailies for today
wvw ➜ Shows the dailies for today
!!dailyTomorrow <attribute>
fractals ➜ Shows the dailies for today
psna ➜ Shows the dailies for today
pve ➜ Shows the dailies for today
pvp ➜ Shows the dailies for today
strike ➜ Shows the dailies for today
wvw ➜ Shows the dailies for today
!!eventTimer <attribute>
hot ➜ Show all current running events in HoT
wb ➜ Shows all current running world bosses
!!guild <attribute>
info ➜ Shows all guilds you are member of
!!mapcurrency <festival, living story>
Shows your map currencies
Shows all you map currencies (tokens). By using one of the attributes, you can get tokens from different content.
!!sab < >
!!wallet <dungeon, raid, strike, fractals, pvp, wvw, keys, map>
Shows your current ingame wallet.
If no attribute is provided, Aleeva will show you the most important currencies. By using one of the attributes you can get the currencies of the specified game type.