
Shows important information about you Guild Wars 2 account.


Show the current ArcDps version.

!!character <attribute>

Shows all information about your characters
Alias: !!c
Early Access
DM only


  • none ➜ List of all your characters

  • info ➜ Shows detailed information about a specific character

  • birthday ➜ Shows the birthdays of your characters



Show the current ArcDps version


Shows your current raid progress for this week
!!boss, !!raidkills


Shows how many encounters you killed since I started recording your progress
!!bt, !!bk, !!bosskill

!!character <attribute>

Shows all information about your characters
!!c, !!char, !!characters


  • age ➜ Shows the age of your characters

  • birthday ➜ Shows the upcoming birthdays of your characters

!!daily <attribute>

Shows the dailies for today
!!d, !!dailies


  • crafting ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • dungeons ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • elisa ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • fractals ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • mapchest ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • psna ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • pve ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • pvp ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • strike ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • worldbosses ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • wvw ➜ Shows the dailies for today

!!dailyTomorrow <attribute>

Shows the dailies for tomorrow
!!d+, !!dailiesTomorrow, !!daily+


  • fractals ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • psna ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • pve ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • pvp ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • strike ➜ Shows the dailies for today

  • wvw ➜ Shows the dailies for today

!!eventTimer <attribute>

List of all upcoming events in Tyria


  • hot ➜ Show all current running events in HoT

  • wb ➜ Shows all current running world bosses


Shows an overview of your fractals
!!fracsum, !!fs

!!guild <attribute>

Shows all guilds you are member of
!!g, !!guilds


  • info ➜ Shows all guilds you are member of


Show the next Guild Wars 2 Release


Search for kill proofs on killproof.me™
!!kpm, !!kpmclean, !!kpm_kp


Find an opener on killproof.me™
!!opener, !!kpm_open, !!kpmopen


Shows your current kill proofs for all raid encounters and fractals 99 & 100
!!killproof, !!kills


Shows your Legendary Insights and Divinations

!!mapcurrency <festival, living story>

Shows your map currencies

Shows all you map currencies (tokens). By using one of the attributes, you can get tokens from different content.

!!mc, !!maptokens


Shows your pvp stats


Shows an overview of your raids
!!raidsum, !!rs

!!sab <>

Shows you SAB progress for one character


Search for items in English, German, French and Spanish


Shows you current strike progress of today
!!strike, !!strikekills


Shows an overview of your strikes


Shows the current time in Tyria


Shows your Unstable Cosmic Essence

!!wallet <dungeon, raid, strike, fractals, pvp, wvw, keys, map>

Shows your current ingame wallet.

If no attribute is provided, Aleeva will show you the most important currencies. By using one of the attributes you can get the currencies of the specified game type.



Shows the current state of your WvW server